Wednesday 8 December 2010


Words to contemplate from Theodore Roosevelt.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Words of Wisdom from Duane Michals

"My advice to somebody starting out: do not try to be an artist. Forget about art; don't even use the word in your vocabulary. What you have to find out is if you have anything to say - you have to find that bug up your bum. You have to find that thing that moves you, that part of your psyche that needs to be scratched, like an itch."

Duane Michals is one of my favourite photographers. This quote was taken from 'Photo-wisdom' by Lewis Blackwell (published in Australia by Hachette).

Sunday 11 April 2010

Bangkok, February 2010.

While Bangkok offers many photographic opportunities I took this photograph in the guest house that could have come straight from the Alex Garland novel 'The Beach'. The guest house room seemed to have more in common with a cell but the late afternoon light offered great atmosphere. This is a portrait of Mark, my traveling companion for those weeks.