Thursday 15 December 2011

Little Women

Last week I had a great day shooting the rehearsal shots for the new musical production of 'Little Women'. Its the first time the musical has been performed in London and during the shoot I got a sneaky preview... It looks and sounds fantastic. 'Little Women' is showing at The Lost Theatre until 7th January.

Sunday 13 November 2011


Joseph couldn't wait to get his hands on my portraits and twist them into something out of this world.

Tuesday 8 November 2011


I think these images from my latest shoot have a painterly quality about them. This is mostly due to some of the posing and the neutral toned down colours of skin against the sheet. Thanks to Joseph for adding a touch of sexuality yet keeping an innocence to these shots

Wednesday 2 November 2011


A preview of my third shoot with Joseph. What a handsome devil.

Sunday 16 October 2011

"High on diesel and gasoline.."

Inspired by Matt Irwin's photographic style to produce these spontaneous shots of pretty young thing Joe Larkowsky. Am I the only one who is reminded of Brett Anderson from Suede?

"you don't think about it,
you don't do without it,
because you're beautiful"

Sunday 25 September 2011

Spring Heeled Jack

On Friday I took the shots for 'A Templar, A Tanner, A Taxman and Thee' which formed part of the Bermondsey Street Festival 2011. Written by Jack George and directed by Kris Hallett the play tells the tale of the legend of Spring Heeled Jack. Check out for more info.

Friday 16 September 2011

Backstreet Boy

A rainy day in London town with Joseph. We themed our shoot around the backstreet areas of Covent Garden - think Maiden Lane but replace the maiden with the boy. Multi-talented Joseph is a model and fashion illustrator. He's particularly happy that this is fashion week. Take a look at some of his award winning work:

Wednesday 14 September 2011


Here's the first shot from the shoot I did yesterday. More coming soon...

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Kylie, Philippa and a beach in Santa Barbara...

Flicking through one of my dear friend's travel photographs I couldn't help but draw comparisons to this black and white shot of Kylie. Sadly I did not take either image but I love the energy and sense of freedom that is apparent in both.

Monday 25 July 2011

Be A Clown!

The shots are all in for the project that I've been working on with Rene August. I thought I'd share an out-take with you of Iulia Benze. Iulia was great fun to have in the studio and told us all about her art form commedia dell'arte. She told us of Arlecchino the male clown, and his partner, the female clown Columbinia. Arlecchino was apparently very poor so his friends ripped off patches from their costumes to make his outfit. Now thats what friends are for!

Friday 15 July 2011

Lets Adore and Endure Each Other.

I just love the sentiment written here. I've just finished reading 'Holding The Man' by Tim Conigrave and realise that a successful relationship is all about adoring and enduring. I definitely recommend the book but be prepared to shed a few tears. This street art was created by Steve Powers as part of the Moniker art fair. Powers is from New York and earned his legendary status by working in broad daylight telling passers by that he was working for 'Exterior Surface Painting Outreach' - ESPO eventually becoming his distinctive tag.

This piece of street art brought a smile to my face. Ian Stevenson posted the original flyer outside the east end cab agency. The surrounding artwork has been added at a later date. Check out Ian's website for more of his work:

"With no canvases within his price range and all the major galleries chasing him away with spears at the very suggestion that they afford him wall space he had to look elsewhere. Luckily, Ian’s eyes are keener than a trucker’s on special trucker speed and with those soppy old big blues of his he began to notice all over blank, cheerless surfaces, gaping and desolate waiting to be filled."

Finally.... I had to take a photograph of the coolest girl in the East End. She didn't seem to mind me wanting to take her photo and I was asked to get the satchel in the shot since she had customised it herself.

Friday 3 June 2011

Street Casting

If you see myself or Augusta prowling the streets with our cameras then you better watch out. We're casting for our project. Here are a few of the guys we DESPERATELY wanna see in our studio sometime very soon.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

A Clockwork Orange

I recently took the performance shots for the Poimandres production of 'A Clockwork Orange' starring the enormously talented Eamon Ali. After two successful shows at the Southwark Playhouse it is moving to the Roundhouse for a performance on 22nd May. Go to for tickets.

Thursday 21 April 2011

New Talent

Spotlight on: Eamon Ali

Friday 1 April 2011

East End Boys

Men's Street Style