Monday 25 July 2011

Be A Clown!

The shots are all in for the project that I've been working on with Rene August. I thought I'd share an out-take with you of Iulia Benze. Iulia was great fun to have in the studio and told us all about her art form commedia dell'arte. She told us of Arlecchino the male clown, and his partner, the female clown Columbinia. Arlecchino was apparently very poor so his friends ripped off patches from their costumes to make his outfit. Now thats what friends are for!

Friday 15 July 2011

Lets Adore and Endure Each Other.

I just love the sentiment written here. I've just finished reading 'Holding The Man' by Tim Conigrave and realise that a successful relationship is all about adoring and enduring. I definitely recommend the book but be prepared to shed a few tears. This street art was created by Steve Powers as part of the Moniker art fair. Powers is from New York and earned his legendary status by working in broad daylight telling passers by that he was working for 'Exterior Surface Painting Outreach' - ESPO eventually becoming his distinctive tag.

This piece of street art brought a smile to my face. Ian Stevenson posted the original flyer outside the east end cab agency. The surrounding artwork has been added at a later date. Check out Ian's website for more of his work:

"With no canvases within his price range and all the major galleries chasing him away with spears at the very suggestion that they afford him wall space he had to look elsewhere. Luckily, Ian’s eyes are keener than a trucker’s on special trucker speed and with those soppy old big blues of his he began to notice all over blank, cheerless surfaces, gaping and desolate waiting to be filled."

Finally.... I had to take a photograph of the coolest girl in the East End. She didn't seem to mind me wanting to take her photo and I was asked to get the satchel in the shot since she had customised it herself.