Tuesday 31 July 2012

Eamon Ali

I first photographed actor Eamon Ali during his performance in 'A Clockwork Orange' at the Southwark Playhouse.  Before he moves to Berlin I've had the chance to capture him again.  This is the first portrait from the shoot with more to follow.

Friday 6 July 2012

Self-Portrait - Single Exposure

This self-portrait was taken in the same way as the single-exposure portrait of Tom.  I'm not sure if its outlook is optimistic or pessimistic.  The left side seems to suggest a strong position while the right side has a desperate quality.  I guess sometimes we have these dual feelings.

I'm currently inspired by this song... Music has a huge influence on my photography work so I felt it was important to include what I am listening to right now.

 Blondie vs Philip Glass - 'Heart of Glass' - @daftbeatles MASHUP by DAFT BEATLES

Sunday 1 July 2012

English Rose

With the Queen's jubilee last month I went crazy for a bit of 50's glamour and union jack tomfoolery. Charlotte was around for the Hollywood portrait shoot and happily took on the role of English rose.