Tuesday 8 December 2009

Ellen Von Unwerth has always been one of my favourite fashion photographers. As a youngster I would love her portraits of Kylie (circa 1994). She captures her models as if she were a paparazzi photographer or a fly on the wall documentary photographer. The model is being spied upon and with my shot here I hope to have captured that same essence.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Here are my portraits of Henry T.

Thursday 26 November 2009

Rene August Photography

So I may have been a little quiet of late but that's because I've been assisting the wonderful photographer Rene August. This is her shot of the perfect model Ulla.

Copyright: Rene August

Wednesday 23 September 2009


New photos of Rami, inspired by the early work of Mariano Vivanco (see below).

Tuesday 25 August 2009


This is a portrait of my good friend Christian Nyholm. Unbelievably Christian is not a model and is not used to being in front of the camera.

Saturday 22 August 2009


I made a promise to myself that I would only use this blog to show current work and up to now I have not broken this promise. Today, however, I came across these photos which probably wont see the light of day unless I add them here. These Photos were taken in 2004 and until now totally forgotten about. I was looking at the topic of transformation and men in masquerade.

Saturday 8 August 2009


I spent a few days in Naples last month with Dave. We took the camera out at night to take some shots and what struck me most was the change in atmosphere. By day the backstreets were a busy marketplace. By evening there was a sense of danger and ultimately a sense of freedom and excitement.

Sunday 7 June 2009

Russell Harcourt

This is my portrait of Russell Harcourt, soon to be published in The Australian Sunday Telegraph's Sunday Supplement. The brief was to portray Russell's character and also tell readers a little about what he does. Well... He's in the spotlight!... If you meet him you'll know he intends to stay there.

Friday 15 May 2009

Ninety Five Chapel Market

I've just purchased this photographic book by Mariano Vivanco.  He is currently now my favourite photographer.  The images in the book were taken when he came to live in London.  Now an internationally recognised photographer working for Dazed and Confused and shooting for Dolce and Gabbana back then he was a rising star with basic set up.  I'm drawn to the simplicity of the images and see a similarity of style in myself.  Maybe one day huh?.....

Thursday 23 April 2009


Model - Henry T

Aren't we all obsessed with youth?

Tuesday 14 April 2009

Inspired by Ms Bush circa 1986.

Wednesday 8 April 2009

Who wishes they were Kate?

Monday 6 April 2009

What is it about an out of focus photograph that makes us more inquisitive? Is it because we are denied certain elements of the classic portrait and this leaves us wanting more. There is always something sinister in things we don't understand. This photograph that I intentionally took out of focus is meant to make us question the character. The completely black background contrasts against the pale skin. The lips look extra red, the whites of the eyes stand out. Vampire-like perhaps?

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Time to share with you my favourite photograph.  Taken of my father before I was born, by my mother.  Sometimes a photograph can be a single image designed for the viewer.  Sometimes the photograph can be a shared experience where the photographer is as much part of the image as the person in it.  These are my favourite kind of photographs and this image is the latter.  My father holds her shoes and carries the towel around his neck as she takes the photograph.  Although not really designed for anyone other than themselves to see this photograph means more to me than most.  At the age of 27 I found it in a pile of old papers and was shocked to see how much I resembled my father having always seen the similarities between myself and my mother.  I think we were more similar than I once believed. 

Monday 23 February 2009

Thursday 19 February 2009

Rene August

Check out the fabulous work of fashion photographer Rene August.  I assisted her on this shoot.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Toto, I don't think we're in Kensington anymore.

Tuesday 10th February I've taken a stroll to Brick Lane.  There is a new development of apartments being build on Cheshire Street.  I wonder how these new buildings will sit alongside the perfectly degenerated area of Brick Lane.  How long will it take the street artists to leave their tags.

It's a cold, windy day.  I've been deceived by the sunshine.  The light lends itself to the detail of the street art which I begin to photograph.  I detest seeing Banksy's art works captured and sold in markets or cheap souvenir shops, or even worse at auction houses.  There is something pitiful about the way in which it has been photographed and mounted onto a cheap canvas for wholesale consumption.  I'd rather is be left in its natural setting.  At this point I'd like to see myself as a documenter.  To me it seems reasonable to record what has been made.  I'm am not the artist, merely the reporter of these street markings.

It's hardly fair to take credit for somebody else's imagination simply because their format does not allow authorship.  Are we to believe that Patrick is responsible for the image above?  I notice there is a lot of repetition throughout the area.  The image below appears more than once on Brick Lane and the surrounding areas.  It has been created in a few different colours.  I'm drawn to the red one.

Most of the doorways have been claimed by graffiti artists.  My favourite has to be 91 Brick Lane.  Truman Hanbury Buxton & Co, Licensed Common Brewers, Registered Office.  I've no idea if this building still houses Truman & Co (my guess is not).  

I am rather jealous of Jessie.  Is Jessie a boy or a girl?  I'm going to say boy.  I'm jealous that his lover has gone to the trouble of creating a stencil to declare their love. 

Cheshire Street offers me the best quote of my day: "Toto, I don't think we're in Kensington anymore".  There is a certain malice in the air today.  I have already been shouted at whilst taking my shots by somebody clearly not wanting a camera around.  Alarmingly one passer by spoke the words "excuse me" with deep malevolence.  Like the character Gollum from Lord of the Rings, he was pitiful yet evil sounding.  I headed home after my bagel from the infamous 24 hour Brick Lane Bagel shop where the assistants never want you to feel welcome.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Introducing Wesley van Rensburg.  A member of Ice Men in his native South Africa he is currently about to sign to an agency here in the UK.  Watch out for him in 2009.  I have shot with Wesley on numerous occasions and each time he hasn't failed to captivate.  

Wednesday 14 January 2009