Wednesday 26 December 2012


 For my latest night shoot Philippa and I decided to soot as if the image were a film still.  Both of us were totally impressed by the film 'Holy Motors' and decided that this shoot should be about taking on a character with a life story that was of course dramatic yet unexplained.  This is the latest in a very long list of colaborations with Philippa.  I look forward to many more in the new year.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Wednesday 28 November 2012

'People Like Us' & Happy Never After'

Last week I took the production shots for 'People Like Us' and 'Happy Never After' at the Pleasance Theatre, London.  Produced by James Quaife both were superbly written and feature great casts.
'People Like Us'

'Happy Never After'

Tom Kerridge

You can see my portraits of celebrity chef Tom Kerridge in the latest edition of 'To Be Continued' magazine

I shot Kerridge at 'The Cube' restaurant on top of the Royal Festival Hall and the double Michelin star chef was one of the nicest people I've shot.

Monday 12 November 2012

Girl in Diner

My time in New York was mostly spent photographing the beautiful Philippa who aside from being one of my greatest friends is also my biggest muse.  Her favourite painter is Edward Hopper and after seeing his work in the Met we took this image making it as painterly as possible.  Part inspired by the solitude of some of the characters in Hopper's paintings the theme also makes a nod to David Lynch's 'Twin Peaks' (our favourite TV series).  Breakfast that day was something special.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Cry Baby

For this shot of Barry I took my inspiration from the John Waters cult classic 'Cry Baby'.

Thursday 18 October 2012

The best whiskers in London Town

My most recent commission was for 'To Be Continued' magazine.  Their piece on the rising trend in beards provided me with a perfect brief.  Check out these shots, some of which will appear in the next issue.

Wednesday 10 October 2012


Cole looking lovely on the model board for Eclipse. I'm planning a new shoot with him soon.

Monday 1 October 2012

Max & David

A recent studio shoot with Max and David.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Cole - Eclipse Model Management

This is the shoot I did last week with Cole from Eclipse Model Management.  We couldn't resist going for the leather jackets and 90's inspired monochrome.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Street Style

Mark was by far the coolest guy I met today. He mentioned that he was sorry he hadn't made his usual effort (he recently lost the propellor that sits on top of his cap and his socks were not up to his usual standard).  We forgive him!  His shirt is from who stock some of the most outrageous shirts that only the brave and the super cool can wear. Elsewhere in East London it seems the fashions of the early 1990s (which I've been championing for a while now) are making a comeback.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Volpone Rehearsal Shots

Yesterday I shot the rehearsal images for the Fire Under The Horizon production of Volpone soon to be showing at The Gatehouse, Highgate Village, London.

Check out their website
and for tickets go to

Monday 6 August 2012

Rimvydas - Detail

I photographed Rimvydas during his first week in London.  The idea was to concentrate on the tiny details that make us unique.  A mole on the neck, a scar on the navel, his lips and eyes... they all come together to create a portrait that feels more intimate than most yet still makes us wish for more.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Eamon Ali

I first photographed actor Eamon Ali during his performance in 'A Clockwork Orange' at the Southwark Playhouse.  Before he moves to Berlin I've had the chance to capture him again.  This is the first portrait from the shoot with more to follow.

Friday 6 July 2012

Self-Portrait - Single Exposure

This self-portrait was taken in the same way as the single-exposure portrait of Tom.  I'm not sure if its outlook is optimistic or pessimistic.  The left side seems to suggest a strong position while the right side has a desperate quality.  I guess sometimes we have these dual feelings.

I'm currently inspired by this song... Music has a huge influence on my photography work so I felt it was important to include what I am listening to right now.

 Blondie vs Philip Glass - 'Heart of Glass' - @daftbeatles MASHUP by DAFT BEATLES

Sunday 1 July 2012

English Rose

With the Queen's jubilee last month I went crazy for a bit of 50's glamour and union jack tomfoolery. Charlotte was around for the Hollywood portrait shoot and happily took on the role of English rose.

Tuesday 26 June 2012


One of my latest commissions was to take the image for the Fire Under The Horizon production of 'Volpone'.  The Jacobean play written by Ben Jonson will be showing upstairs at The Gatehouse in Highgate Village, London during August.

The idea for the image was that Thomas Judd who plays Volpone would be morphing into a different character and struggling with his perceived identity.  I'm reminded of a statue, some kind of alabaster god, in my favourite image (above) from the shoot.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Best of British

Joseph Larkowsky returns for my latest fashion shoot.  I was taking inspiration from the photographic snapshots of the early 1980's for the finish of the photograph.  The bevelled edges of the print and plastic wallet gives a vintage feel to the final image.  The fashion also took inspiration from the same period.  Quintessentially British...