Sunday 15 September 2013

Thanks Herb...

Philippa and I made a journey to the seaside last month to catch our last piece of Summer.  We went with a vision to create a set of images inspired by the work of Herb Ritts.  If I'm being honest with myself it was Herb's 1980's and 1990's photography that made me want to be an image maker.  I grew up listening to the albums that had Herb's images on the cover.  Very often I'd buy the records before hearing the song just because I'd been won over by the picture.  I now recognise his work instantly.  

I remember being at university and being asked who my favourite photographer was.  As everyone gave their answer, Minor White, Alfred Stieglitz or Henri Cartier-Bresson, I kept my answer of Herb Ritts to myself.  He was never part of that canon and even when asked recently about our shoot we were greeted by the phrase 'well he was very much of his time'.  I'd like to agree.  Herb Ritts was very much of his time.  Like all true masters are. 

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